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London inspired pattern

I was reluctant to take the original paintings further as i thought they were , well crap. however the final out come was rather nice. it think the colors work well and the softness of the watercolors gives it a kitsch vintage feel.

Text Map

As a class, we managed to create a part of central London using just text.

Things I have found on the streets on London


for the London statistics page in my book, i tallied how many men, boys, women and girls walked past in 1 minuet. the image above is a visual representation of my findings.
it was very simple to create, I just made card people to represent my findings then photographed them propped up on the window sill of which I gathered my information from.

Respect the pigeons

wile interviewing Ben, he said that he thought pigeons deserved more respect as they are the equivalent of a mascot to London. I couldn't agree more.
here are some doodles to go with the statement.


After meeting Ben i decided to do some investigation into mustaches


This is Ben, i met him in London fields, he had a interesting mustache so i desired to interview him and draw a picture, bit of a dodgy eye tho, went a bit ott on the old shading.

london through the eyes of a designer

These are the eyes I painted for the front cover of my book.

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